Toothbrushes harbor a host of harmful bacteria that can re-infect your mouth when you brush. Dr Tung's Snap-On Sanitizer is a REVOLUTIONARY product that releases all-natural, anti-bacterial vapors to kill germs and safely sanitize your toothbrush between brushings.
- No mess, no fuss, dry vapor action
- Fits most manual and power brushes
- No electricity or batteries required
- Ideal and convenient for home and travel
- At least 60 days protection per sanitizer
- FDA registered. 100% natural germ-killer
- Contains one or more of the following: lemon oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, tea tree oil, thyme oil
- Easy to use: After brushing your teeth, rinse toothbrush, shake off excess water and place inside the sanitizer device. The germ defense system goes to work immediately.
- Stays fresh when in use but will biodegrade when thrown in the landfill