Single Door Entry Phone Controller allows a single line phone or phone system to share a phone line with an entry phone. Tenants may answer an entry phone call and converse with the visitor.
C-200 Controller Features:
- House phones ring with Central Office (C.O.) outside line cadence or distinctive ring when entry phone “call” button is pressed
- Produces double “call waiting” tones when phone line is already in use
- One set of normally open and normally closed contacts available for operating a doorbell, camera, lights, etc.
- Tenants may call out to entry phone for monitoring purposes
- Power: 120VAC / 13.8VAC
- Talk Battery: 32V DC
- Connections: Ten cage clamp screw terminals
- Add door strike capability with Viking Remote Door Controller
Compatible with the Following:
- Viking Entry Phones:
- Viking Phones:
- Any analog touch tone phone
- Viking Single Line Paging Controller: